How Physicians Think About Wealth?

Informatics boosts health efficiency / Get set for real estate / Calm Waters AI: Continuous oversight revolution.

The LOUNGE - A Newsletter for Savvy Physicians

We scour the net, selecting the most pertinent articles for the busy doc so you don’t have to! Here’s what kept our focus this week…

  • Over 70% prioritize employer-sponsored retirement accounts.

  • Advocacy for health care informatics promotes global integration.

  • Looking to kickstart your real estate journey? These books are your go-to guides.

  • AI-based coding systems like Calm Waters AI enhance revenue by ensuring accurate coding and documentation compliance.

  • Consistent posting schedules, visual content utilization, influencer collaborations, and performance monitoring are essential for long-term success in combining SEO and social media.

  • Patient stories play a pivotal role in medical decision-making, offering insights into patients' experiences and informing care approaches.


Unlock the secrets to building a profitable private practice with membership programs

In the concluding segment of the "Building a Profitable Private Practice" series, Dr. Anne Truong sheds light on the potential of membership programs to create consistent revenue streams. Dr. Truong provides insights into the essential steps involved in establishing and maintaining a successful membership program. From structuring membership tiers to crafting valuable content, she offers practical advice for practitioners seeking to diversify their income sources. Whether you specialize in a particular field or offer general healthcare services, implementing a membership program can enhance patient engagement and financial stability.


Physicians, surveyed by Physician on Fire and Earned Wealth, reveal insights into their investment habits and financial goals. The majority invest in traditional avenues like stocks and real estate, with a strong emphasis on employer-sponsored retirement accounts. Despite healthy savings habits, many seek to enhance investment strategies, particularly in tax-smart approaches, reflecting a desire to optimize returns and minimize tax liabilities. Notably, high-net-worth individuals exhibit significant interest in tax-smart strategies. Moreover, concerns about burnout loom large, shaping both career and financial planning decisions for many physicians.

In a bustling city like New York, Emily, a graphic designer, stumbled upon an article about health care informatics, sparking her curiosity. As she delved deeper, she realized its profound impact beyond just the medical field—it enhances patient outcomes, reduces errors, and saves lives. Witnessing firsthand its benefits during her grandmother's hospital visit, Emily became passionate about raising awareness. Through her creative endeavors, she advocated for integrating technology into health care systems, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more equitable world.

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Embarking on a real estate investment journey can feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. These three books offer invaluable insights for beginners, simplifying complex concepts and providing actionable strategies. "The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing" by Ken McElroy serves as a comprehensive primer, offering both theoretical knowledge and practical guidance. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki challenges conventional beliefs about wealth and introduces key financial concepts essential for investors. "The Book on Rental Property Investing" by Brandon Turner offers a comprehensive guide to building wealth through real estate rentals, complete with actionable steps and strategies for success. By leveraging the wisdom from these books, investors can take their first actionable steps towards financial freedom.

Dr. Bruce Cohen from OrthoCarolina shares insights on the implementation of AI-powered coding systems, highlighting their potential to enhance revenue and streamline compliance. As regulations evolve, keeping up with accurate coding becomes challenging, leading to missed revenue opportunities and compliance risks. AI-based programs like Calm Waters AI offer real-time coding guidance and ensure documentation compliance, seamlessly integrated into physicians' workflow. By leveraging AI, practices can improve accuracy, reduce compliance risks, and save time for both physicians and coders.

Practice Builders highlights the pivotal role of combining SEO and social media in healthcare digital marketing, especially in 2024. This integration is crucial for enhancing online visibility, engaging with patients effectively, and driving practice growth. By leveraging social media to interact with patients, share valuable content, and maintain brand consistency, healthcare providers can improve their SEO rankings and establish credibility. Additionally, focusing on audience preferences, providing relevant content, and integrating SEO principles into social media campaigns are essential strategies for success. Consistency, visual content, influencer collaborations, and performance monitoring are key factors for achieving long-term results in this competitive digital landscape.

In his work with severely and persistently ill patients, Dr. Arthur Lazarus emphasizes the importance of patient stories in medical decision-making. As a physician advisor, he recognizes the value of understanding patients' experiences, treatment histories, and personal struggles to assess the appropriateness of care. Dr. Lazarus emphasizes the power of storytelling in conveying clinical information, highlighting the difference between a comprehensive narrative and a mere recitation of medical records. He acknowledges the challenges of decision-making when faced with incomplete patient stories, likening it to deciphering fragmented conversations or reading faded sheet music. Despite these challenges, Dr. Lazarus finds solace in storytelling during team rounds, recognizing its therapeutic value for patients and healthcare providers alike. He emphasizes the dual benefits of storytelling: for patients, it offers catharsis and empowerment, while for providers, it fosters understanding and empathy. Ultimately, Dr. Lazarus underscores the reciprocal nature of storytelling in healthcare, emphasizing its role in human connection and healing.



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